Scientific publications

Effects of feeding probiotics during weaning on infections and antibody responses to diphtheria, tetanus and Hib vaccines

Hernell et al

Simultaneous analysis of lysine, Nepsilon-carboxymethyllysine and lysinoalanine from proteins

Bosch et al

Changes in plasma fatty acid composition after intake of a standardised breakfast in prepubertal obese children

Gil-Campos et al

Fluorescence and color as markers for the Maillard reaction in milk–cereal based infant foods during storage

Bosch et al

Changes in the Lipid Composition of Powdered Infant Formulas during Long-Term Storage

Rodríguez Alcalá et al

Effects of probiotic, prebiotic and synbiotic follow-up infant formulas on large intestine morphology and bone mineralisation in rats

Miquel et al

Ghrelin: a hormone regulating food intake and energy homeostasis

Gil-Campos et al

Effect of Probiotic, Prebiotic and Synbiotic Follow-up Infant Formulas on Iron Bioavailability in Rats

Pérez Conesa et al

Monitoring of headspace volatiles in milk-cereal-based liquid infant foods during storage

Garcia-Llatas et al

Bioavailability of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in rats fed probiotic , prebiotic and synbiotic powder follow-up infant formulas and their effect on physiological and nutritional parameters

Pérez Conesa et al

Acute intake of phenolic-rich juice improves antioxidant status in healthy subjects

García-Alonso et al

Effects of polyphenolic antioxidants on exercise-induced oxidative stress
